June 3, 2024

Struggling to hear over background noise?

Many people initially become aware of their hearing impairment in loud settings, such as: bars, dining places, coffee shops, and lecture rooms. This is typically due […]
February 14, 2024

Winners of Xeyex Eyecare Awards 2024

What is the Xeyex Eyecare Awards? The Xeyex Eyecare Awards 2024 is a prestigious event that celebrates excellence in the field of eyecare. As advancements in […]
November 27, 2023

Hear Better this Christmas

10 Ideas how you can hear better this Christmas We know social gatherings can be daunting and a little isolating for people with hearing loss. With […]
November 24, 2023

Hearing Loss and the Holiday Season

The holiday season is officially upon us, and all the joyous festivities and family gatherings that come with it! From family dinners to busy grocery stores, the holidays […]
April 3, 2023

Oticon Companion App

The All-in-One Solution for Personalised Hearing Control The Oticon Companion app is an all-in-one solution that lets you easily control and personalise your hearing instruments, manage […]
February 20, 2023

Keep Your Ears Happy and Healthy

We use our hearing all the time. It helps us communicate, be aware of our surroundings and enjoy our favourite media. Unfortunately, hearing loss is often […]
February 14, 2023

Better Hearing Can Make Your Heart Happy

Romantic relationships are dependent upon emotional, verbal and physical connections. For people who are hard of hearing and their significant others, hearing loss can be a […]
January 26, 2023

Hearing is thinking

How does hearing work in your brain? Your ears collect sound, but it’s your brain that actually understands it. Good hearing helps your brain stay fit […]
November 30, 2022

Risk of Removing Earwax at Home

Earwax is a natural part of ear health and most of us experience earwax build-up from time to time. When it comes to clearing earwax, reaching […]